Today: couplets about the sun

Hi everyone,

Today we are to have sunshine. We’ve had rain during 19 of the last 20 or 21 days. I assume that’s true for many of you as well. I think we should celebrate poetically, couplet-y to be precise. Off the top, give us your thoughts. Such as,

These aren’t so hot but to my credit
I wrote them down without an edit.

Through the clouds the sun is winking,
Finally my gills are shrinking.

Sun-drenched blossoms in the bower,
Weeds sprouting a foot an hour.

Finally caught the rain-dance feller,
Got him tied up in the cellar.

Your turn!


12 comments on “Today: couplets about the sun

  1. Thanks for the morning smile–here’s a couple o’ couplets (I guess I’m hungry this morning.)

    My ice cream drips–it melts so quick
    that puddles grow while I lick.

    My ice cream dripped and melted fast–
    I’ll scoop again (won’t be my last!)

  2. Out from the clouds comes the sun
    Hot & sweaty before day is done.

    Twas cool but hot & sunny now
    As hot as the inside of a fevered cow

    Is this Missouri? I asked this afternoon
    Or am I in Borneo, at midday in June?

    Jesusmary&joseph, I’m hot
    Would that this morning I’d been shot.

  3. Well, I’ll take your challenge, sir – as this will probably be the last poem I write before we head on vacation tomorrow! It’s 11:30pm here, so I’m a bit groggy, but this is what I came up with in about half an hour…


    In winter, we complain it’s cold –
    then summer’s heat starts getting old.

    As soon as there’s a drop of rain,
    we wish to see the sun again.

    When life’s too fast, we want a lull.
    When life slows down, we say it’s dull.

    I wonder if we’ll ever be
    content with simply being…free?

    – – © 2014, Matt Forrest Esenwine

  4. Pingback: Poetry Friday: “American Discontent” | Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme

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