Some sympathy please

Hi everyone,
Setting up for trombone
I know that certain, cynical readers may not care one whit about the rainy weather we’re having in what is supposed to be sunny Florida. Rough watersTrue! There are those among you who will be tempted to write sarcastic, unsympathetic couplets about my fate and post them right here where everyone can see how cold and uncaring you are!
Stormy day
Well . . . who am I to stand in your way. My misery through four straight days of heavy rain means nothing to you. Pour it on, as they say around here.
People on beach


34 comments on “Some sympathy please

  1. Rainy Day Blues

    You like sun, round and red,
    green grass where you can
    lay your head,
    tan beach where
    sand threads
    through your toes,
    white sunblock
    that will
    grease your nose.
    But all you have
    is rain, it’s true,
    which makes your mood
    a deep, dark blue.

    But don’t forget,
    when sun comes out
    and you begin
    to jump and shout,
    recall that sky and sea
    are blue.
    I’d think of that,
    if I were you.

    Your not-jealous friend,

    Jane Yolen

  2. I’m headed for Florida at the end of July
    Please ensure that you’ll take the rain when back home you fly!
    I want sun with my sand; that’s what it should be.
    Please enjoy the wet now so it won’t stay with me!

    Really bad, I know, but I really am vacationing then, and I don’t want rain, only in Colorado!

  3. Stop the presses, let world news wait,
    It’s rained in Florida FOUR DAYS STRAIGHT!

    Poor buggers! Let’s send them relief from the drear–
    How do those postcards go? Wish you were here!

    • Pretty clever effort, Deborah! Don Barrett, who suggested this month’s Word of the Month, owns a bowling alley in Camdenton, Missouri. He’ll love your couplet!

  4. Oh, dear friend
    I cannot bend
    God’s will to make it sunny.
    But if I could,
    I surely would,
    ’cause weeks of rain
    Ain’t funny.
    No matter what your snide friends say.)

  5. Boo-hoo. Davy has to play indoors.
    No sand. No beach. No lovely sun.
    Just rain and clouds and waves that break
    And Davy whining in its wake.
    Signed, a non-poet, who has no sympathy for someone in Florida

    • Ha! Thank you, Buffy. You’re right. I wouldn’t trade the rain for your mosquitoes. Thanks for the reality check.

  6. Ah! I feel triple-sorry for you, David! So three couplets!

    Drop! Drop! Dribble drop!
    I see you wish the rain would stop
    and that the sun would wander out
    so you could cease your sulking pout.
    Instead you cry a salty drip
    that splashes off your lower lip!

    • Whoa! A triple slam! After this upbraiding, I think I’ll wash off my lip and tuck it in! Thanks, Penny. I needed that!

  7. Please dear David
    don’t you cry
    over days of rain
    for when you come home
    where it is deathly dry
    you’ll wishing for rain.
    Smile no matter what
    for you are alive
    to enjoy rain or drought.
    —– Mary Nida Smith

  8. Depleted and drained, Sun cried, “Give me a break, Florida! I NEED a vacation.”
    Cool and refreshed, Rain empathized, “Got it, Sun! Straight rain until you return.”

    Too bad David was not privy to their conversation.

    Cheer up, David. The sun might come out tomorrow.
    A collection of rain poems in the works, perhaps?

    • Aha! Cory, maybe you’re right. A collection of rain poems might be the silver lining here. Thanks for pitching in!

  9. Thanks everyone! Company just arrived so I’m very busy looking for excuses to stay out of the kitchen. I’ll thank you properly later. Keep ’em coming!

    • Thank, Janet! You must have a camera in this place. I definitely need to keep my fingers out of the snack food. And TODAY IS SUNNY!

  10. The rain may have brought on depression,
    But it’s worth it to see your expression!

    David- what a funny face! I am laughing in spite of your tears! I hope the sun is now shining for you 🙂

    • Good rhyme, Iza! I’m glad you like my unhappy face. This morning the sun is finally out. We’re having breakfast and then plan to walk the beach! Hooray!

  11. Now that I’ve seen that face I can see how you were led to Scents That Remain from August of 2011.
    Scents That Remain

    Her room is empty.
    But her scents remain.
    They beckon
    That ply the pain to the edge
    And wrench it out
    To stand like gravestones
    And glare in moonlight
    On the face of he
    Who stands, beguiled, in the doorway
    Spiraling in a sob.

    by Jeanne Poland

  12. The Man and the Rain

    The man looks out his window;
    another rainy day.
    He scans the sky for sunshine
    but all he sees is grey.

    Inside, he says a secret prayer
    to wish the rain away.
    Although the man has work to do,
    the boy would like to play.

    – © 2013, Matt Forrest Esenwine

    • Matt, you nailed it. Not only would the boy like to play, his playmate would too! This morning looks so-so so far, and yesterday was fine. Maybe we’ve turned a corner. Thanks!

  13. Pingback: Poetry Friday: “The Old Man and the Rain” | Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme

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