A few pictures from Harrison Elementary

Hi everyone,

Last Friday a lot of cameras were busy and I’ve been reviewing them all with great pleasure. Son JEFF was there and provided many great shots. KATHLEEN O’DELL used her experienced eye to catch candid moments that I love. TERESA BLEDSOE added a trove of excellent pictures to my growing collection of mementos from a day that meant so much to me. Following are two pictures each from those three in the order mentioned.

To all who played a role in making me feel so loved and so much at home, I am most grateful. To all the kids at David Harrison Elementary School, you always make me feel happy. I’m already looking forward to the next time I get to see you. Your friend, David

Harrison Elementary and Heartland Book Festival

Hi everyone,

Yesterday I met by Zoom with MICHAEL DONOVAN and VIRGINIA SANDERS with Missouri Arts Council to discuss goals and make a few plans for my early months as Missouri Poet Laureate. We decided it would be good if my first public appearance in the new role could be at David Harrison Elementary School. After some follow-up conversations with Harrison principal SHAWN DEWITT, I’m delighted to say that this will happen. We have a tentative date in September and today we’ll work on a schedule of events for that occasion. Michael and Virginia will be here for it and the event will be publicized through Missouri Arts Council resources.

In October I’m now part of the opening presentations at Heartland Book Festival in Kansas City. The theme of the conference is “Find Your Story.” I’ll read and talk during an opening session and will sit later at a table where I can sign, visit, and maybe lead some poetry activities.

More about these events as they develop. I may not always share as many details about upcoming opportunities, but for now this is all still new and I’m savoring it.

OUR STORIES, a new tradition at David Harrison Elementary School

Hi everyone,

Yesterday I loved every minute of my time at David Harrison Elementary School. Superintendent of Schools, GRANITA LATHAN was there and gave out packets of free books to every child. I learned later that she has done that for every 1st – 5th grade student in the entire district!

I was given a seat of honor at the front of the gymnasium where I could wave at the kids as they came in. I was then presented with two books, one made by each of the 4th grade classes and their teachers, JAMIE BAUMANN and SHANNON BOSSING plus the super talent of art teacher KEVIN ZIMMERMAN.

Each book, titled, Our Stories, is a compilation of information (plus picture) of every graduating 4th grade student at Harrison, the first editions of what is going to become an annual tradition. The books are dedicated to me. Another one of those moments at Harrison that stick in my heart.

Here I am reading one of the books as Dr. Lathan reads the other book.

This picture is of librarian (and mastermind of the books), ANGELA KNIGHT, with principal SHAWN DEWITT and superintendent Lathan. I’m holding a cuddly version of a huskie, the school mascot.

Harrison’s wonderful principal, Shawn DeWitt, invited me to be there on August 22 for the first day of school this fall. I’ll be sitting outside the front door to welcome each student to David Harrison Elementary School. All I can say is, WOW!