Harder than I expected

Hi everyone,

Yesterday my sweetie pointed out, quite correctly, that my decluttering project is progressing at an exceedingly turtlish rate. No argument there. But my gosh, how can a guy just go whizzing past so much good stuff? I mean, come on. Here was a folder of me in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia twenty years ago.

I had hair! And it was still brown! I have to stop to look at that!

Those kids thought I was somebody because I had come halfway around the world to see them. They didn’t know how much fun I was having. I hope it didn’t show.

That was the trip that ended after a week when America was attacked and to get back home we had to cross the Pacific and complete an around the world trip.

But we didn’t know any of that was about to happen when these pictures were taken. I was just a guy from Missouri, having a grand time, teaching a little and learning a lot, in a far off country on the other side of the world.

You just can’t rush through memories like this. I mean, come on.