New FAMILY VOICES picture going up today

Hi everyone,

I’m loving all the new pictures you’re sending me (in jpg to to post on FAMILY VOICES. Here’s Linda Boyden reading to her grandchildren

And this is Mary Jo Fresch sharing a poem with one of her grandsons.

Today over on FAMILY VOICES ( I’m posted a new picture so I hope you’ll drop over to check it out. If you haven’t started following the site yet, please consider it. If you haven’t sent me a picture I can use yet, please think about that too. And if you haven’t reminded at least one young parent to read to his/her child, I hope you’ll put that on your to-do list as well.

So off I go to choose the picture for this week. Thanks from FAMILY VOICES.

A few more pictures from Greece

REMINDER: The word of the month for October is CAT. Have we no cat lovers among us ready to immortalize their favorite cat? Hmmm?

Hi everyone,

Before the memories of our recent visit to Greece begin to begin to fade, I’d like to share a few more pictures. Dining with friends (Mary Jo and Hank Fresch) with a wall of the Acropolis at your back is a good way to start a trip. With history rising up behind us, we look out over modern Athens.
Every horizon offers other islands, other mysteries. From Athens to Mykonos by boat we traveled five hours over calm, blue water. It was a very nice boat. Well, you know me and sunsets. Morning coffee at Santorini. On a late evening stroll we passed this calm little hedgehog. Greece protects them.

Part of the original entrance to Athens. Statues rescued from crumbling temples. That’s the Parthenon, folks!! And this is four tired but satisfied people enjoying good wine, company, and food with a million dollar view.

Featuring Melanie Hope Greenberg

Hi everyone,

During Larry Dane Brimner’s workshop, “Getting the Gigs,” Melanie Hope Greenberg accepted his invitation to address the group about marketing. And during my Skype session about blogging, Melanie, ever the artist, sketched the scene.

I was taken by the sketch and asked Melanie if she would provide me with more information about herself as well as a few remarks about her own experience at the workshop. I’m glad she agreed! If you haven’t met Melanie, you are about to wonder why you never have. Melanie, it’s a pleasure. Thank you.
Author Larry Dane Brimner contacted me to present at his ‘Getting The Gigs’ marketing workshops for the Highlights Foundation. I was blown away by Larry’s offer because my marketing research includes industry articles he wrote. I was so lucky to be able to sit in on various sessions with the wonderful faculty Larry developed. No matter how long one has been in publishing there’s always something new to learn. Bringing first hand experience to the marketing table is helpful. Every book is unique like it’s author and/or illustrator. The victories or failures we’ve faced are plentiful and worth sharing. Marketing is not about one size fits all.

I believe the students at my session came away with a look at marketing from the point of view that is grassroots and how to market to their correct target audience. I found the wonderful sessions I attended with the other faculty members gave new perspectives on how to expand the horizons for my own picture books. I have tons of new marketing information and ideas in my notebook.

Which brings me to the sketches. During your particular insightful session about blogging, David, I doodled what I saw in the moment.
I also doodled what I was experiencing in the Highlights Barn / Conference room and my adorable cabin lodging.

Cabin Doodle

With all the fantastic notes I took away from the workshop sessions I totally forgot the doodle sketches were in the back of the notepad until I unpacked it at home. I thought they’d be a fun gift of appreciation so I posted the sketches on Facebook. They became a spontaneous good marketing example 😉

My goal is to consult with picture book authors and illustrators privately on how best to organize their marketing office, find their unique marketing voice, and their marketing audience. My contact is

* NEW INTERVIEW for Writers Rumpus Blog – Marketing and More

Did Your Book Go Out of Print? Take a lesson From Author/Illustrator Melanie Hope Greenberg.

Melanie, tell me something that not everyone knows about you.
David, Deloris McCullough and David Mowery — the division managers of Brooklyn Central Library Youth Wing — gave me the idea for my book, MERMAIDS ON PARADE. I gave them the dedication. When the book came out, they named me MerMel. (:> Mermaids on parade

Google Hangout Tuesday night

Hi everyone,

The other day I told you about the upcoming Google Hangout with Ruth Culham and four panelist authors. This is a reminder that the event is coming up next week on Tuesday night. We’ll have a rehearsal Monday night and then stand by for fun the following evening.

I hope you’ll hang out with us and tell anyone you know who might be interested to come too. It’s free and I like the topic of using mentor texts.

It’ll stream live on the IRA YouTube channel. The link is: When we’re finished it will be saved on the IRA YouTube page so people who couldn’t join us live will be able to watch it at their convenience.
