Upcoming guests

Happy Monday!

To date this month we’ve enjoyed the work of eight adult poets: Steven Withrow, Amy, Genia, Gay Fawcett, Ken Thomas Slesarik, Mary Nida Smith, Beth Carter, and Reta Stewart Allen. Among the young poets, Taylor McGowan is our only poet to post a poem so far. There is still plenty of time for many more poets to show off their stone-inspired poems. Today is the 10th and we don’t cut off submissions until the night of May 23.

I’ve been looking back at the talented guests who have appeared on my Friday spots. It is a pleasure to bring so many strong voices here and I hope you are enjoying them as much as I am. Here is a list of their names and the dates they appeared.

11-9-09, Wendy Schmalz
11-28-09 , Gay Fawcett
12-4-09, Sylvia Vardell
12-11-09 , Sandy Asher
12-19-09, Marilyn Singer
12-29-09, Mary Jo Fresch
1-8-10, Kathy Temean
1-15-10, Cheryl Harness
1-22-10, Vicki Grove
1-29-10, Laura Robb
2-5-10, Laura Purdie Salas
2-8-10, Laura Purdie Salas continued
2-12-10, Lee Bennett Hopkins
2-19-10, Tim Rasinski
2-26-10, Laura Backes
3-5-10, June Rae Wood
3-12-10, Jane Yolen
3-19-10, Dan Burr
3-26-10, J. Patrick Lewis
4-2-10, Nile Stanley
4-9-10, Bobbi Katz
4-16-10, Gay Fawcett
4-23-10, Rebecca Dotlich
4-30-10, Steven Withrow
5-7-10, Charles Ghigna

Coming up in weeks ahead will be Ruth Culham, Greg Pincus, Georgia Heard, Tricia Stohr-Hunt, Suzy Capozzi (editor at Random House Step Into Reading books), Cynthia Leitich Smith, and Christine French Clark (Editor-in-Chief of Highlights for Children).

The list is much longer, but this will give you an idea of the wonderful talent still in store. I continue to send invitations to others as I have time so keep your recommendations coming.



Last day to vote. Also, see me on Cynthia Leitich Smith’s blog

BULLETIN: Tomorrow I’ll post the word for January. Don’t miss it!

My thanks once again to Mary Jo Fresch for her great guest blog yesterday! Please don’t hesitate to let Mary Jo know if you have comments or questions spurred by her remarks. I know she’ll be happy to respond.

I was out of town and failed to tell you when Cynthia Leitich Smith posted my interview on Monday, but I’m happy to be there and want to direct your attention to her note below. I hope you’ll drop by Cynthia’s and read the interview.

Dear David,
Your Cynsations Craft, Career & Cheer interview is live today (12/28) at:
It’s also crossposted to LJ, MySpace, Facebook, JacketFlap, and (later) Twitter).
Congratulations on your success, and thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Happy New Year,

Today is the final day to vote for your favorite poets — one adult and one student. Even if the polls remain active after midnight tonight CST, I’ll stop counting the votes. Some students and adults haven’t received many votes or comments yet. I hope you’ll take the time to let all of our poets hear from you and know that we appreciate their work and hope to see more of their efforts in the future.

Cynthia Leitich Smith

Greetings on this day after Christmas. Many of you may be hitting the sales about now but perhaps you’ll slow down to read my good news later. I’m delighted to tell you about another upcoming blog guest — Cynthia Leitich Smith. I suspect that Cynthia needs no introduction to anyone who follows the major blog sites or reads her great YA Gothic fantasy novels. I’ll furnish her bio when we get closer to February. That’s when I hope to bring Cynthia to my blog.

P.S. Cynthia interviewed me for her blog and it appears on 12/28. Here’s how to find it: Cynsations Craft, Career & Cheer interview is live (12/28) at:
It’s also crossposted to LJ, MySpace, Facebook, JacketFlap, and (later) Twitter).

Have you voted for your picks of December’s bone poems? At this point Priya Shah is leading in the Young Poet group with Hope Murphy in second place. Linda Kulp is ahead in the Poet group although that race is much tighter with Steven Withrow, Marjie DeWilde, and Andromeda Jazmon in hot pursuit. Technically Mimi Cross is the current top vote getter but Mimi is our October Hall of Fame Poet so she can’t win again during this twelve month period. Please read or reread the month’s delightful poems and vote for one favorite in each group. Everyone enjoys seeing the votes come in from readers who have taken the time to offer encouragement and appreciation. Everyone is deserving so urge friends and colleagues to vote while there is time.

My thanks to those who have commented on my Christmas story. I’m glad you enjoyed Mrs. Stanley’s Christmas.

Tomorrow is my Poem of the Week day. Kathy Temean has been selecting the poems so I’m always eager to see what she has chosen.David