I Want an Apple is out in paperback

Hi everyone,

On Christmas Eve day I received copies from Holiday House of I Want an Apple, How the Body Works in paperback. I didn’t know this was happening. If you aren’t familiar with this title, it was illustrated by DAVID CATROW and published in 2021. David has illustrated more than 60 books for children. She’s Wearing a Dead Bird on Her Head was selected as “The Year’s Best” by The New York Times. How Murray Saved Christmas was adapted into a 2014 animated television show and aired on NBC. David has also served as a visual developer for animated films, including Despicable Me and Horton Hears a Who.


School Library Journal said about the book: “This is not a book about the science of eating; it is about the poetry of bodily functions… This will make for a fun story time, where bodily functions can be the silliest.”

From The Horn Book: “This is a playful, simple look at our bodies’ inner workings for young children. . . . [Catrow’s ] illustrations are immediately recognizable with their eccentric details and exaggerated scale. . . . The spare text is just enough to introduce concepts of human anatomy to a preschool and early primary audience.”

From Kirkus Reviews: “The illustrations are whimsical and full of movement. . . . The message about body positivity will resonate with all ages. A playful introduction to the body parts.”

I Want an Apple was selected in 2021 by American Scientist for its list of 10 STEM-related books for all seasons. In spite of the reviews, the talented artist, and the recognition, the book still hasn’t found its audience and sales lag behind where I’d like to see them. Maybe the paperback edition priced at only $8.99 will help. Fingers crossed.

A great birthday present!

Hi everyone,

My librarian friend at David Harrison Elementary School, ANGELA KNIGHT, took a recent book of mine, I WANT AN APPLE, and used it for a Story Walk along a sidewalk at the school. I loved it! Here are some pictures she sent that include some of my titles in the library and also the kids writing birthday notes to send me. They (the notes!) will be waiting when I get home. Can’t wait!

Words and painting

Hi everyone,

This morning at 10:00 CT I’m in for a new experience. I’ll to a Artistree Pottery, on 1423 E. Cherry Street, Suite 103, and read from my latest book, I WANT AN APPLE, HOW MY BODY WORKS, to children who will be painting designs on pottery of their own making.

We’ll finally resolve the age-old debate: which is more compelling — listening to a story or painting one’s own pot? Or something like that. I have a feeling I’d better give my best reading ever.

Historical fact. Sandy grew up a block away at 1329 E. Cherry. When we started dating, I lived on the next street over at 1329 E. Elm Street. Sandy’s home is a memory replaced by apartments. A fraternity rocks on where once I exhibited my collections on my bedroom walls.

Story time

Hi everyone,

In Springfield (MO) on March 26, I’m going to do something different for me. I’m going to read/tell stories at the Artistree Pottery studio while children are painting their own piece of pottery to take home. Who will win their attention, the story or the paint?

The event is already nearly sold out. If you’d like to sign up, better hurry. Entertaining youngsters for an hour leaves plenty of time to vary the menu. I’ll read my latest book — I WANT AN APPLE, HOW MY BODY WORKS. After that, who knows? I’ll bring plenty of material.

KY3 interview on The Place

Hi everyone,

Yesterday I received a link to the interview with ALYSSA KELLY about THE DIRT BOOK and I WANT AN APPLE, HOW MY BODY WORKS. We did the piece before Christmas and I falsely told gave you the wrong date when it would be aired. Here is it for real.


The Place: Talking Dirt with David L Harrison SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – Did you know there’s a whole other world beneath our feet? Local author, David Harrison shows us the 100th book he wrote called, The Dirt Book … www.ky3.com