Someone could win a book

REMINDER: Today is the first day of the Friends of the Library Book Sale. I posted about it a few days ago but here’s the link to refresh your memory. If you live in the area, try to get by and take advantage of the bargains.

BULLETIN: Here’s a reading must. It’s Cheryl Harness’s Nonfiction Minute about Dolley Madison. It’s history come alive as only Cheryl tells it.

Hi everyone,

Many of you know about a group called Teaching Authors (Six Authors Who Also Teach Writing). My thanks to one of their members, Carmela Martino, for featuring a Halloweenish poem of mine in her October 17 post: Reaching Reluctant Readers, Poetry Friday, and CWIM Giveaway. Here’s the link. . Someone will win a copy of the book, BUGS, when the drawing takes place 11 days from now.

Carmela has written an article for 2015 CHILDREN’S WRITER’S AND ILLUSTRATOR’S MARKET so you can also find out how you might win a copy of that.

My thanks to Carmela for choosing my poem to include in her post. If you haven’t gone over to become acquainted, this is a good chance.
