Signs of the times for Rhymes of the Times

Hi everyone,

TIM RASINSKI and I have received the news that our book with Shell Education in 2016, Rhymes of the Times, Literacy Strategies through Social Studies (Classroom Resources) is going out of print.

The project was written as three books, one each for grades 4, 5, and 6. At the last minute an editorial decision was made to combine all three into one large book. Internally, the book meant for 4th grade teachers was about states, the book for 5th grade teachers was about American history, and the book for 6th grade teachers was about ancient history. We wondered why a teacher in any one of those grades would be interested in paying for an expensive book, two-thirds of which was written for other grades. I value and respect this publisher. I’ve done other books with them and have newer titles in their line now. I wish there were a way to find a second life for these three books as separate books elsewhere. I’m sure that Tim and I will consider the options. Here are two examples of poems that were the source for classroom activities to strengthen reading skills.


No interstates,
no highways,
no roads, paved or graveled.
Only trails toward the westward sun,
deeply rutted by iron clad wheels
of wagons weighted by everything
a family might need along the way
and at the end of their journey.

Little room for passengers,
but for the weak and ill,
amid the stores of food,
dishes, clothing, furniture,
tools, and bedding.

Most rode horse or mule
or walked by their wagon,
inching ten miles a day,
month after weary month
for half a year through heat,
flooded rivers, hostile territory.

Yet they came
and still they came,
determined folks determined
to start anew in a new world.
Peopling the west,
ensuring the future
of a young America.

Imperial Rome, 2,100 years ago

Caesar himself,
so it was said,
hated the ruckus --

chariots rattling stony streets,
dogs yapping, screaming boys,
vendors shouting, crowded shops,
roaring hubbub, thrumming noise --

Caesar might have said --

pounding hoof beats, beggars’ cries,
bleating animals, shrieks, squeals,
cracking whips, roaring crowds,
warlike groaning iron wheels --

“I cannot think!”

All was jangle, throb, and clamor,
Clatter, chatter, clang, and clop.
Caesar must have held his head
and longed to make the noises stop.

The biggest city on the earth,
a million people called it home.
“It’s noisy here,” said Caesar.
It was Rome!

(c) 2016 David L Harrison, all rights reserved

Not everything rhymes in paradise

Hi everyone,

Our condo is twenty years old and we are being reminded of it. Our refrigerator stopped cooling properly a few days ago. Perishable foods are in danger while we wait for a serviceman to arrive this morning to let us know if our refrigerator can be repaired or must be replaced. Meanwhile, our water heater needs to be replaced so we’re getting bids for that. Meanwhile, water is leaking down through the ceiling in one of the bathrooms, coming from a unit somewhere above us. Plumbers are working on that one. At the moment we have a large hole cut in the ceiling of the bathroom and a plastic tub on the floor to catch the water.

On more pleasant matters, famous early literacy authority DR. TIMOTHY (TIM) RASINSKI has posted, in anticipation of Presidents’ Day on February 20, two poems, one by KENN NESBITT and one by me. In 2013 the Poetry Foundation named Kenn as Children’s Poet Laureate. My poem first appeared in RHYMES FOR THE TIMES, LITERACY STRATEGIES THROUGH SOCIAL STUDIES, co-authored with Rasinski and published in 2016 by Shell Education. Here’s the link to Tim’s post.

The wait for early responses

Hi everyone,
David from 417 Magazine
So much about writing involves waiting. The wait for an idea. The wait for an editor’s response. The wait for a contract. For the artist to complete his/her work. For the book to finally be released. And then, the most painful wait of all — waiting for responses from readers.
RHYMES FOR THE TIMES, LITERACY STRATEGIES THROUGH SOCIAL STUDIES, came out last month. Educational books aren’t reviewed much. Mostly the feedback comes from individuals who have read the book and put it to use. I’ve had some lovely comments already and love to hear from those who like it.

Not as much yet from the NOW YOU SEE THEM, NOW YOU DON’T, which came out this month. A couple of nice comments on Amazon; nothing so far on B&N. Ratings and reviews on the electronic sites don’t constitute the whole sales story by any means, but they are the most accessible. I hope to see more activity in the coming weeks as word gets around on both books.61wO366ugqL__AA160_

In the meantime I have some nice news coming up. More tomorrow.
