Springfield Writers’ Guild on Saturday

Hi everyone,

This coming Saturday, September 26, it will be my pleasure to speak to the Springfield Writers Guild.

The Guild, a chapter of the Missouri Writers’ Guild, is a diverse group of writers representing multiple mediums and genres. I’ve given talks to the group a number of times over the years but never like this — by ZOOM. On Saturday morning I’ll join members of the board at Travellers (yes, with 2 “l”s) House Coffee & Tea, adjacent to the Missouri State University campus. After things are set up, I’ll join them for my part of the program, which starts at 11:00 CST. Yesterday I spotted the announcement on Facebook and it gave this link: ZOOM LIVE LINK: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4225526819…

I’ve decided to talk about the journey of a book, from idea to finished product, a journey that often takes five years or so and involves many people. I’ve had a productive year with four new titles out or coming, and at the moment 16 book projects in various stages ranging from ideas to those under contract, so it seems like a good subject for me to take up.

My thanks to Springfield Writers’ Guild for inviting me. I look forward to “seeing” you on ZOOM.

Writing contest and writers workshop in Missouri

THANKS to J. Patrick Lewis for providing the challenge of One-Worders. It was another entertaining exercise that stimulated a variety of genuinely witty offerings. It isn’t over. I hope to see other One-Worders posted in the days to come so if you’re attacked by a real gagger, by all means rush over and share it with us! For now I’m moving on to other matters but all you have to do is scroll down to the date, September 17, and post.

Hi everyone,

If you like to enter contests, Springfield (Missouri) Writers’ Guild is having one. Here’s the lowdown from Lee Ann Russell.

The Springfield Writers’ Guild is sponsoring a poetry contest. Entry deadline is September 30. E-mail Lee Ann Russell at lar1111@sbcglobal.net  for guidelines. (Put “contest” as the subject.)

Prizes range from $10 to $100 in eleven categories. Fees $2.00 and $3.00. Award ceremony October 27 at the Springfield Guild meeting. The nice thing is that you don’t have to be present to win.

On another front, if you live within driving distance (or just feel like flying), this reminder is for you. Writers Hall of Fame is now taking reservations for it’s upcoming writers workshop scheduled for October 13. Here’s the link to that. http://www.writershalloffame.org/index.html . When you get there, click on Download File, which is highlighted in blue on the left side below the announcement. I hope some of you can take advantage of this opportunity to share a day with others who are interested in the glorious sport of writing!
