Poetry word list challenge

Hi everyone,

We recently played a game based on the approach I used to write poems for LEARNING THROUGH POETRY, the series of books co-written with Mary Jo Fresch and published by Shell Education. Each poem demonstrates a different sound (phoneme) that children learn in the process of becoming readers. In each case I began with a list of words that featured the subject sound and looked for something to write about that would use as many as possible of those words.

A number of you pitched in a poem or two inspired by the same word list I used and it was fun to see the diversity of expression that came from the exercise. You also said you’d like to try this again so here’s another list of words to get the juices flowing.

This list features the rime sound ATE. I’ll keep this posted for a while and then show you what I wrote based on this list. Remember that your target audience is preK-2. Start your engines.

Bait, celebrate, crate, date, eight, fate, freight, gait, gate, grate, great, hate, Kate, late, mate, Nate, plate, rate, skate, slate, state, straight, trait, wait, weight, and many more that you can think of.


Poetry word list challenge

Hi everyone,

I recently finished 96 poems, each of which demonstrates a different sound (phoneme) that children learn in the process of becoming readers. The five books, called LEARNING THROUGH POETRY and co-written with Mary Jo Fresch, a professor at Ohio University, are published by Shell Education. In each case I began with a list of words that featured the subject sound and looked for something to write about that would use as many as possible of those words. I thought that some of you might like to try it too. Here is a word list that features the blended sound CR. I’ll keep this posted for a while and then show you what I wrote based on this list. Your target audience is preK-2. This also makes a great exercise for teachers and students in the classroom.

crab, crack, cracker, cradle, craft, crane, crash, crave, crawfish, crawl, crayon, crazy, credit, creek, creep, crib, cricket, cried, critter, croak, crocodile, crook, croon, crop, cross, crow, crowd, crown, crumb, crunch, crust, cry.
