New children’s edition of Poetry Friday Anthology for Science: THE POETRY OF SCIENCE

Hi everyone,

Good news from Janet WongJanet Wong and Sylvia Vardell,Sylvia Vardell dba Pomelo Books.
51tv+N-q3IL__SX384_BO1,204,203,200_ I’ll use Janet’s words to explain.

“Earlier this year we started shuffling the poems (in Poetry Friday Anthology for Science). A LOT of shuffling and reshuffling and RESHUFFLING later, we now have a new Children’s Edition with 248 poems, none of the Take 5 mini-lessons, and no grade-level groupings—just the poems organized by topics (and embellished with black-and-white illustrations by Frank Ramspott and Bug Wang). Our hope is that teachers and librarians will continue to use the Teacher Edition but that they’ll also buy the Children’s Edition to allow kids to follow along in their own books (or to take home for reading on their own).”

Way to go, Janet and Sylvia! I’m told that the Remix is now available and is a Children’s Book Council “Hot Off the Press” title!

The Poetry of Science: The Poetry Friday Anthology for Science for KIDS

It is available on Amazon and also from QEP Books. Here are links:




I’m pleased to be one of the 78 poets in this collection and am happy that our editors/publishers are providing such a valuable tool to support classroom science studies.