Young Authors Conference

BULLETIN: Today I have an original poem posted on Greg Pincus’s site at Thirty Poets Thirty Days. If you would like to see the poem and Greg’s post, here’s the link. Thanks Greg! I appreciate your kind words! I’m also enjoying the comments left by readers. Thank you!

BULLETIN: I’m having fun today. Brad Sneed and Phil Haussler are doing something terrific to raise awareness and help for girls in Napal whose parents sell them into servitude. It’s called Project openbook, A community built children’s book for Room to Read. You need to check their website to get the full message and I hope you will. Brad, a gifted and popular illustrator of children’s books, and his partner in this venture, Phil — who is also a poet among many other talents — posted a poem I contributed to the cause. I love Brad’s interpretation of the poem. Go there at 


I had a fine time Saturday in Warrensburg, Missouri giving the keynote talk at the 27th annual Young Authors Conference. More than 500 children in grades two through six, plus their parents, family, and teachers turned out for the occasion.

These were serious young authors. Their parents and family are saints for encouraging their children to do their best and then showing up with them on a busy Saturday in spring to help celebrate their accomplishments and consider more ways to support their efforts.

Many fine writers were there to review manuscripts and provide valuable advice, including Vicki Grove, J. B. Cheaney, and Dorinda Nicholson. Whether or not they realize it now, those budding writers were in outstanding hands!

I was impressed, as I often am, at the dedication of men and women who put such conferences together, sometimes year after year for decades, because they believe in helping students develop their potential as writers. We do live in a great country. I want to thank the co-chairs for this year’s conference, Kelly Tyler and Barb Reiter, and the committee of volunteers who created such a positive event in the lives of hundreds of young people. I thank them for including me in the day.
