Tim Rasinski is on Poetry from Daily Life

Hi everyone,

As promised, here is the link to read TIM RASINSKI’s guest column on this week’s edition of Poetry from Daily Life. https://www.news-leader.com/story/entertainment/2024/06/09/poetry-from-daily-life-rhythm-and-rhyme-help-young-readers-learn/73987443007/

What I like most about how Poetry from Daily Life has developed is that we are hearing such a wide variety of perspectives about our core subject. Every Missouri Poet Laureate is charged with seeking ways to reach as many people as possible to talk about poetry and make it more accessible. The column idea fits the need perfectly. Poetry means different things to different people, and what could offer more choices than a weekly feature that will introduce the voices of sixty poets and authorities on poetry? I’m having a wonderful time being your host and hope you are enjoying the column too.

3 comments on “Tim Rasinski is on Poetry from Daily Life

  1. Wow! I never ever thought of poetry as a way to increase a child’s reading ability. I’m passing this on to my friends. I feel like a ‘duh’ moment, slapping my forehead. Of course, there was a reason for all those nursery rhymes. Thanks for this column.

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