Featuring Julie Clayton on Poetry from Daily Life

Hi everyone,

As promised, here’s the link to JULIE CLAYTON’s guest appearance on this week’s Poetry from Daily Life. https://www.news-leader.com/story/entertainment/2024/06/16/poetry-from-daily-life-hearing-dad-drumming-in-poem-rhythm/74079282007/

We’ve talked about numerous aspects of poetry and how it becomes part of our daily lives. I think Julie’s story is unique in how she tells us of her journey toward becoming a champion poetry reader and the best in Missouri. I hope you will share this column with young people in your lives. It can be an inspiration. Thank you, Julie, and congratulations!

6 comments on “Featuring Julie Clayton on Poetry from Daily Life

  1. Thanks for sharing from a Missouri Poetry Out Loud winner. What a great testimony to the power of the spoken word. One of my favorite teaching moments was visiting D.C. with my student Cameron Locke, who won the Missouri Poetry Out Loud competition in 2012.

    • Hi, Kim. I’d forgotten (if I knew) that you had a student who won state in Poetry Out Loud. I’m hardly surprised though! I hope that Cameron has continued to love poetry and I wish the same for our current champ.

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