The kids in Greenfield

Hi everyone,

Jeff took this picture while I was talking with the kids who attended the Dade County Library Summer Reading Program last week. As I told you, it was a pleasant day.

Many of us across the country came from small towns. Each has its history, its stories and traditions, its ways of going about living. It’s always a privilege to meet and visit with young people who are growing up in rural America. My thanks again to SARAH LAND, Director of the Dade County Library, to the parents who made time to bring their sons and daughters to the library, and to the kids who smiled back at me, listened to what I had to say, and asked thoughtful questions.

The link to Tina Hacker’s guest column

Hi everyone,

Yesterday subscribers to Springfield News-Leader had a chance to read TINA HACKER’S column in Poetry from Daily Life. Today it’s available for readers beyond this area. Here’s the link.

As always, I hope you will take time to share the column with others who might also be interested in the subject of how poetry impacts our lives. Tina has worked for thirty years helping veterans find their voices through poems they write for the magazine where she is the poetry editor. Tina, thank you for sharing your amazing experiences with us.