The Fluency Development Lesson: Closing the Reading Gap

Hi everyone,

The new book with LYNNE KULICH and TIM RASINSKI comes out July 15 and weighs in at 456 pages and two pounds. If pre-orders are an indication, it should do well. It already ranks #120 in Adult & Continuing Education Books.

I thought I’d show you an add that our publisher, Benchmark Education Company, has recently released. .

My part of the book was to write ten poems for each of grades 1-5. Here’s an example for third grade.


From the theatre door halfway down the block,
people stand in line to see the show.
They inch forward, progress stop and go,
clutch their collars tight against the rain.
Though tickets cost too much they don’t complain.
Once it starts, they know the show will rock.

Halfway around the world, another line,
naked feet shuffling in the dust.
To fill their water pots a daily must.
Trickles from a pipe a welcome sign.
They don’t complain, what is there to say?
A pot of water means another day.

New book coming out July 15

Hi everyone,

I just learned that my book with LYNNE KULICH and TIM RASINSKI is coming out sooner than I thought. The Fluency Development Lesson: Closing the Reading Gap, a Professional Development Book published by Benchmark Education, is set for a July 15 pub date. The cover is posted on Amazon.

More about it soon. With one more potential 2024 release yet to go, I’m going to have a pleasant and busy fall.