Lowly skunk

Hi everyone,

Here’s the skunk that seems to like our back yard between the patio and the lake. We’ve seen it twice now.

I think it’s a hooded skunk but it’s probably a hog-nose skunk. The former isn’t normally found in this region, the latter is. Either way, it’s a glorious animal. It also made me think back several decades to when I nearly hit a skunk one evening while turning into out driveway on Cherry Street. I was headed to Fort Leonard Wood the next day to visit some schools on the post. On the way up there, I made up a poem for the kids about my close call the evening before.


Lowly skunk,
all stink and phew,
secretly, I envy you.
I've been taught,
when things look bleak,
to smile and turn the other cheek,
while you,
fulfilling heart's desire,
raise your tail,
take aim,
and fire.

(c) 1984 David L. Harrison, all rights reserved

11 comments on “Lowly skunk

  1. Lowly skunk in black and white

    Wanders ’round the yard at night

    Searching for a new best friend?

    If he’s frightened – THAT will end!

  2. I love this “stinky” poem! It certainly made me smile! Please don’t take this the wrong way, cousin. The skunk is stinky, not your poem!

  3. That animal is beautiful. I have never seen a skunk that looked like that.

    The poem is hilarious. I will using it!

    • Hi, Nan, and thank you for coming over. Next morning I discovered some scat beside my pool and wondered if it was left by the skunk. I decided it was probably a opposum. Well to my poem. I still use it now and then.

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