Teacher page

When Kathy Temean and I put together my website last year, one of the elements we both wanted was a page for teachers. Have you found it? Just go to the website and click on Teachers. In that section I provide some information about professonal development, school visits, interviews, and a teaching tool — one each month.

The teaching tools are presented in a form for classroom teachers but some of them might be of use to adult writers as well. Here is a list of the topics covered (briefly) so far:

August – Association technique for getting started
September – Revising
October – Finding ideas
November – The importance of observation
December – Show, don’t tell
January – Poems inspired by one word
February – Journals and idea files
March – Interviews
April – Playing with lines

I hope you find useful pointers among these writing tools. If you are a teacher, let me know if you think you can use them with your students.


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