Sweet support

Hi everyone,

Remember the other day when my Amazon middle grade story was turned down by an editor who liked the novel but couldn’t take it because I wasn’t Peruvian? Today I received this testimony from one of the readers who vetted the story and helped me in many important ways. I don’t think Alvaro will mind my posting it here. It may or not help me sell the book, but it does make me feel better!

“I have read with great pleasure Downriver, David Harrison’s story about Maria and her deep and firm desire—against all odds—to study to become a teacher. I have worked in the Amazon rainforest for almost three decades as a scientist and naturalist guide, and have done myself Maria and Juan’s same river journey several times. David has described both the location and the realities of the locals with amazing accuracy. A Peruvian myself I have seen for many years young people going through many difficulties to pursue their dreams, so I believe David has addressed many of those issues in a sensible and sensitive way, all combined with a beautiful and credible story including of course a great deal of exciting moments of adventure. In short, I would like to thank David for making me feel back in the Ucayali River and its surrounding communities after many years!” – Alvaro del Campo, August 2018

I am extremely grateful to Alvaro del Campo!

The movement that’s causing so much unnecessary grief might not care if my novel rings true, but damn it, nobody else wrote this story. I did.