Spring around Goose Lake

Hi everyone,

Spring has returned to Goose Lake. The roses are in bloom. The cardinals are back. The pool is open. And the toads have regathered for extra helpings of love. I thought the mating season was over after we observed thousands of tadpoles swimming in the water that covered the pool. But the guys are out there every night now, singing at a fever pitch, each trying to outdo his competitors to entice music-loving females to their embrace. The pool is at once an enticement and a danger to the singing tenors that gather around it at night. What saves some of them from drowning when they can’t climb out of the pool and grow weary is a little gadget that our grandson TYLER WILLIAMS gave us two or three years ago. The pictures show how it works to save lives. This is the season that throbs with life around the lake and in our back yard. I love it all.