No jewels compare

Hi everyone,

This is one of those mornings when I awoke without a clue to what I might say here. I’m making this up as I go so bear with me. I frequently advise would-be writers to look around. Observe. Think. Ideas will come.

Lately I’ve been struck by the beauty of the plants in our yard. The trees are dense masses of rich foliage. Grass lays down a thick carpet, fosters a universe of tiny things. The geraniums, hibiscus, and hostus provide jewels beyond compare.

Sit and observe. Watch the birds flit from feeder to nest. Wonder why that one goose among dozens on the water just will not shut up. Try to guess where the toads that serenade the night hide away by day.

By tomorrow I’m going to post a poem here that will come from observation. I invite you to join me with a poem of your own. You can polish it later if your wish. For now, it’s enough to look around, marvel at what you see, and write something about it.

4 comments on “No jewels compare

  1. Nature provides so many wonderful writing ideas! I’m getting ready to do my PT exercises right now – while looking at the majestic Rocky Mountains. Wonder what else I’ll see?

  2. Every day has some sort of wonder if we stay open to seeing it! Today’s for me was seeing a deer trot down our street mid-morning. Yesterday’s was seeing an unusual dragonfly. Who knows what tomorrow will bring? I look forward to your poem, David.

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