Highlights Foundation Founders Workshops

BULLETIN: Check out Joy Acey’s blog yesterday and today for her lovely treatment of COWBOYS. Thank you, Joy! Here’s the link: http://poetryforkidsjoy.blogspot.com

Hi everyone,

Kent Brown is one of my all time favorite people. There are many reasons for this. Kent not only served for years as publisher of Highlights for Children, the world’s foremost magazine for young people, but he also imagined and then turned into reality a new line of books called Boyds Mills Press that would include America’s first and only imprint of poetry books for children — Wordsong.

It has been my pleasure to work with Kent and numerous fine people at the company since 1993 when SOMEBODY CATCH MY HOMEWORK was published. COWBOYS, which came out early this month, marks my 28th title with Boyds Mills Press, 16 of them with Wordsong.

Another of Kent Brown’s passions is to foster and encourage the development of countless budding artists and authors of children’s literature. He is not alone in this work. His family and their company have long been known for their generosity and steadfast efforts to bring new generations of creative people into the world of children’s books.
I’m sorry that this photo came out dark. The facility is new and lovely.

For the past few years, The Highlights Foundation, now headed by Kent, has been moving toward the establishment of a place to serve the needs of emerging writers and artists who come to the company founders’ property near Honesdale, Pennsylvania to study under a variety of people who are successful in their fields. That dream is now a reality and I’m pleased to introduce Kent Brown to tell you more about it. Kent?

Dear David,

We are in full bloom at our new Barn in Boyds Mills, and are holding 32 workshops this year. A number of our long-time faculty from Chautauqua are going to join in.

See the full list at www.Highlightsfoundation.org .

Look forward to welcoming you, Eileen Spinelli, Rebecca Dotlitch, and Becky Davis to The Barn next month.


Kent L. Brown Jr.
Executive Director
Highlights Foundation, Inc.
814 Court Street
Honesdale Pa 18431
570 251 4500

4 comments on “Highlights Foundation Founders Workshops

  1. I esteem Boyds Mills, their imprints and education efforts. Kent Brown and his company have had an enormously positive effect on thousands (maybe millions) of children (and adults)! Attending a Foundation workshop is on my bucket list.

  2. David,
    Yes, Kent is a wonderful guy. Thank you for sharing him on your blog today. The thing I find most endearing about Kent is he makes everyone feel like family and shares his family with everyone else. He is always welcoming and supportive.

  3. Three cheers for Kent Brown and the Highlights folks! I met Kent (and Jody) at my first-ever SCBWI conference many moons ago, and I’m thrilled to be headed up there in a few weeks for the poetry workshop – my third Founders workshop treat. Got to be part of the first group “breaking in” the new Barn last fall (illustrators) and it was truly a privilege. See you soon!

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