Happy anniversary, Sandy!

Hi everyone,

Today is our anniversary. I would like to tell you which one it is, but my wife won’t tell me. Says it’s none of my business or anyone else’s. ROBIN and JEFF have been asking. She is steadfast in her refusal.

We met and became sweethearts in high school. I remember that much for sure. And just the other day Sandy told me that she thinks the marriage seems to be working out, so I can pass that along.

I was very glad to hear her say that because she’s a really good kisser.

How long we’ve been together may never be known, but from that day when she agreed to be my bride, we’ve never looked back. For that I will always be grateful. I love you, Sweetheart.

28 comments on “Happy anniversary, Sandy!

  1. Wishing you both the happiest of anniversaries! Lucky you, lucky us to have the privilege these years of seeing your happiness, David & Sandy! From that old song: “But we’ll travel along, singin’ our song/side by side.”

    • Good morning, Linda, and thank you. That’s the perfect song, and I have the perfect partner to sing it with.

  2. John and i have been married for 55 years, but your wedding photo looks older than 1969, when ours was. He is a poet too. Congratulations to you both, anyway. You rarely meet people who have stayed married these days, let alone for well over half their lives! Warm regards, Virginia

    • Yup, we have you beat by a few years, Virginia. But I’d say we all have bragging rights. All this and cake too!

    • Thank you, Angela. That’s sage advice for anyone. I believe in it. Missed you this morning. But I still had a fine time at Harrison Elementary.

    • We’re off to a good start, Laura. Tonight we’ll attend a great presentation at the library featuring three friends of ours. Eager for that.

  3. I have a sneaky feeling that you know what year you were married. Long happy marriages should be celebrated every day. Congrats to you both.

  4. I’m late in wishing you a happy anniversary since we were involved in our nephew’s rehearsal dinner and wedding. So dear cuz, Happy Anniversary to you and your lovely wife!

    • Thank you, my friend. We had a wonderful anniversary and were greatly warmed by all these good wishes. Each one is appreciated.

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