Speaking on the “Aunt” Norma Champion show

Hi everyone,

On April 27, I had the pleasure to join NORMA CHAMPION at the Marshfield, Missouri Library. Norma was one of Springfield’s three TV “aunts” who did children’s shows forty or more years ago. Norma’s show was on KY3 and ran from 1956-1986. Our son, JEFF, was one of the children who joined other kids on the Aunt Norma show.

On this occasion, Norma spoke to a full house at the library and reminisced about her long-running series. I joined her to talk for a while and read from some of my work. My good friend, DAN HUTCHENS, was there from Colorado and he took pictures as a favor. He was there with his wife, someone most of you know at least by name, SU HUTCHENS.

I thoroughly enjoyed the event and thank Reverend NICHOLAS INMAN, chairman of the annual Cherry Blossom Festival and related events, for inviting me. I even got my picture taken with SANDY and SU!

3 comments on “Speaking on the “Aunt” Norma Champion show

  1. That was such a fun event! So glad that Danny and I could “share the moment” with you and Sandy! Hugs!

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