Article in SCBWI Insight

Hi everyone,

Last month I had an article in Insight Newsletter, a publication of SCBWI (Society for Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). As one of the only children’s poets appointed as a state poet laureate (maybe the only one), I wanted to encourage other children’s poets to consider making the effort to represent their own state. SCBWI has 22,000 members so I thought that was a good place to make my pitch. I think the whole article might be a bit long to post here but this link will take you there if you’re interested.

If you know someone to whom this might appeal, I hope you will share the link. Thank you.

New article published

Hi everyone,

I don’t think I can show it to you but I have a new article out in Insight, the monthly newsletter published by SCBWI (Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators). If you’re a member, maybe you’ve already seen it. It’s called “Have You Considered Becoming a State Poet Laureate?”

I wrote it to encourage other writers who focus on writing poetry for young people to become more involved in the their own state efforts to encourage wider appreciation of poetry. After serving Missouri in this capacity for eight months, I remain unaware of any other children’s poet in the United States who is or has been in this position. The article is another way for me to find out because there are more than 22,000 members of SCBWI worldwide.