My flamboyant poem

Hi everyone,

Okay. Here goes.

Some People

by David L. Harrison

  • (In two voices)
  • Would you look at that?


    That guy.

      That guy?


      Oh my lord!

    After Labor Day?




    Sport shirt?


    What’s he thinking!

      Who knows?

    Always one in every crowd

      Calling attention to himself.

    Like a parrot in a snowstorm.





    11 comments on “My flamboyant poem

      • Dear Rachel,

        Thank you for leaving your comment. It’s always fun to hear from you. I’m glad you like my white-on-white flamboyant poem. After all, you inspired it with your word for this month!


    1. Dear David;
      I was wondering when…
      First you posted intimidation, then definitions.
      Then a truly personal take!
      The character voices a scrumptious duet.
      In case you had trouble formatting, I found the secret yesterday for my latest blog posting: 1 Highlight the text you want left registered and click the icon for left column.
      2 Highlight next the second voice and click the icon for center column.
      Voila: two columns.

      • Well one just never knows when or whether the muse will toy with us. I was searching for a sort of low-key form of flamboyant. Probably missed it but it was fun to try. And Jeanne, thank you for the lesson on moving things to the right. I had not figured it out on my own. I am SO happy to learn this trick!


    2. WOW! I wish we were at Honesdale, Boyd place around the dining table. so we could give this poem a test drive with libations and in two voices. I guess I’ll just have to wait until next May.
      This is an eye-opener. I had no idea guys were so clothes conscious and fastidious. I absolutely loved “parrot in a snow storm.” I may even steal that line. How am I ever going to be able to look at a white blanket of snow again without thinking of that bright green parrot and you? Of course I don’t get that view in Tucson!

      • Hey Joy,

        Glad you like my parrot. And don’t think I actually know much about such fashion rules as not weating white after Labor Day. It’s just that recently I wore a favorite white sport shirt and was reminded by my wife that it was rather late in the season to be sporting white. All I did was write a poem about my lesson.


      • Hi Cory,

        I’m glad you like how Kathy revamped the look of my blog. I’ll pass along the compliment in case she misses your remark here.

        See you and Joy in May!


    3. Flamboyant Sunset
      Extravagant view out by the mountains
      Brilliant arrays of warm colors
      Dazzling shades of orange, red, and blue
      Splendid breeze as I watch the sun set
      My favorite part of the evening…
      A flamboyant Sunset
      Until tomorrow I wait

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