A very pleasant day

Hi everyone,

Greenfield is a lovely community with beautiful homes, some more than a century old. The library was once a home and was built in 1902. On the way over, SANDY sat in the back seat and enjoyed the scenic drive, JEFF drove, and I went over notes in my head.

To accomodate special events, a pavilion was recently constructed on the lot adjacent to the library, and that was where I met with the kids yesterday. They ranged in age from a bouncy little pigtailed girl of three to middle school/high school students. Some parents came and stayed as did a member of the library board of directors. And on the street 150 feet behind us, several workers with their machinery stayed busy resurfacing the street.

Last night our friend SNEED NIEDERRITER brought pizza and wine and we ate beside Goose Lake. We caught another glimpse of a beautiful skunk that likes our yard, an armada of geese cruised the lake, and the swans swam over to see us and put on a show of reflections in the water. What a pleasant day.