Meanwhile, books are being read

Hi everyone,

Things have been hectic, and for the first time ever I’m behind in posting a new word for Word of the Month Poetry Challenge, but things will be righted and we’ll be seeing our guest on Poetry from Daily Lives, JANY YOLEN, shortly in Springfield and online tomorrow.

Meanwhile, poetry is in some good hands, including those of SUSAN WADE’S boys, JONAH and XAVIER. Don’t you love the books stashed by the bedside?

Unravelling the mystery

Hi everyone,

Recently I was asked by Susan Wade, Public Relations Manager for Springfield, Missouri, Convention & Visitors Bureau, if I’ve ever written a book specifically about Springfield. Turns out I have. CAVE DETECTIVES, UNRAVELLING THE MYSTERY OF AN ICE AGE CAVE, is all about the discovery of Riverbluff Cave, located on Cox Road South here in my hometown.

At Susan’s invitation I wrote a short piece to be posted on the Convention & Visitors Bureau site. It goes up today so I hope you’ll have a look.
