Poetry Writers Workshop and Cheryl Harness

BULLETIN: I am embarrassed to say that when I posted Cheryl Harness on “What Are the Pros Up To?” two days ago, I somehow missed a section of her remarks. I have apologized to Cheryl, who was a good sport about it, but I just don’t want to lose a chance to share the rest of her thoughts merely because the Internet gremlins were at work on the appointed day. So please read her comments in their entirety at the end of today’s post. You will not be sorry!

Hi everyone,

Today it’s a personal plug by way of inviting you to consider signing up for my poetry workshop on June 2-5. This will take place a few miles outside of Honesdale, Pennsylvania in the home of the founders of Highlights. I am glad that Carol-Ann Hoyte plans to be there. I know of another regular contributor to this blog who is also considering it. It would be great fun if my workshop served as a place where many of us could meet for the first time and work together. Think about it!

Here’s a memo that Boyds Mills Press sent out a few days ago.

Subject: RE: 2011 Workshop News from the Highlights Foundation

It’s time to break out that brand-new 2011 planner and pencil in those things you don’t want to miss out on this year! The Highlights Foundation has a scheduled packed with exciting new workshops, as well as time-tested favorites that fill fast.

We keep our workshops intimate, with a low faculty-student ratio to give you and your writing plenty of focused attention. Reserve your space early so you don’t miss out! Take a look at our Founders Workshop newsletter, request an application for the workshop(s) of your choice, star those dates in your planner, and give yourself something wonderful to look forward to in the new year.

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to others who might find it of interest, paste it into your blog, or spread the news on social-networking sites.

For more information about the workshops in general: http://www.highlightsfoundation.org/Founders_Workshops_2011/Founders_Workshops.html

For more information about my workshop. http://www.highlightsfoundation.org/pages/current/FWsched_writeAPoem_11.html

Highlights Foundation, Inc.
814 Court Street
Honesdale, PA 18431
Phone: (570) 251-4500
E-mail: contact@highlightsfoundation.org www.highlightsfoundation.org**************************8

Now, here is Cheryl.

David, did I tell you that I sold a manuscript? For the first time in an awfully long time – ’twas rain in a dry landscape, I swear. Almost makes one tempted to believe in oneself and that one isn’t going to wind up living in one’s car. Albert Whitman’s going to do my picture book about Dr. Mary Walker, that cranky old reformer (only dame to be cited with the Medal of Honor).

The nice, sweet ed. there had me do a couple of pictures by way of an audition so I’m still waiting to see if I’ll be doing the illustrations. I’d never had to do that before, but as you know, the world is a very different place nowadays. and always has been, as you also know.

I had a great visit in Joplin with old friends w/ Vicki Grove & Veda Boyd Jones. I swear that’s the best thing about this so-called book biz, the people you get to know. You for instance.

I have some other reasons:

1. Because when the writing biz is going well, it’s pretty satisfactory fun. Even when it’s not, one can work out a fine little life in the margins.
2. Sometimes we make money.
3. The things we learn. Being able to tell about them, if not as much as we’d like.
4. Finding out how we think & feel about things.
5. To share our points of view, mine being that there pretty interesting people, dead or alive, well worth the knowing and that in the knowing, we’ll be heartened. I have been anyway.
6. The places we get to go, such as, well, the first place that comes to mind is Susan B. Anthony’s house in Rochester, NY. and the White House, for that matter. It occurred to me then and now that when the occupants went out the door to talk to people, they may well have felt that it wouldn’t do any good, wouldn’t change anything, but they went anyway.
7. Total strangers read what we write. One can hope.
8. Being part of our civilization’s conversation, the borderless, timeless nation of wordsmiths, writers of letters, manifestoes, tales, explanations, & drivel.
9. To justify our lust for office supplies.
10. Like I’m going to go get a real job?

I got to visit Florida here lately, to see my fizzy, 94-year-old Uncle Lester, and I, Auntie Social, went to Savannah, GA to attend the wedding of my baby brother’s daughter, THE little Sara pictured in my Ghosts of the White House, time being a runaway train. She’s completing a doctor of physical therapy degree. Her new husband is Josh Stinson, an exceedingly cute baseball player w/ the Mets organization.

Life sure has its compensations, no?

If you’re not ready yet to say goodbye to Cheryl, visit her own blog at http://timepiebytheslice.blogspot.com/2011/01/winter-morning.html

Thank you, Cheryl.