Maybe yes, maybe no, too early to tell

Hi everyone,
Got a good start yesterday on the book project I mentioned. I had to sit in the waiting room for a while at the car agency while they tried to identify the source of a rattle. I took a pad with me and started making notes while I waited. From there I went to see a doc and filled in several other ideas while I sat in the examining room waiting for him. By the time I got home I had a list of twenty-three subjects germane to the book.

Today I have a meeting from 10:00 to 11:00 but before and after I’ll spend most of the time drafting a poem or two from yesterday’s list to get a better sense for how this might work — or not. At this point it’s all strictly speculation, but one never knows without trying.

I wish everyone a good day, and may there be some writing in it.
